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October schedule!

Stay on top of your fitness plan with this workout calendar

We know that reaching your fitness goals is not always easy, but creating a monthly workout schedule can help you overcome obstacles to exercise on a regular basis.  Having a schedule can psych yourself up appropriately for the workout and have less chance of talking yourself out of exercising.

  • Use this calendar to plan workouts and training sessions
  • Post your workout plan in a prominent location at work or home to help stay on track
  • Track your progress each week and make adjustments if necessary
For a great source of information go here: 


Feeling sore?

Tuesday equal rest day! Its well deserved.  Let me resume, Sunday and Tuesday, we did DAY ONE of the STARTER'S workout plan and let me guess, you feel sore, right?

No panic! It's normal to feel sore. Most people will begin to experience soreness, 24 hours to 48 hours after a workout.  Why? When our body is performing an unaccustomed exercise, the muscle rapidly adapts to reduce further damage from the same exercise and that result into mechanical damage, micro trauma and stress in muscle tissue. This is called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. So don't worry, after your workout, your muscle begins to rebuild itself and the rebuilding process which creates, bigger and stronger new muscle. In other words, your muscles are growing. 

You can avoid or limit DOMS by performing a five to ten minutes warm-up or  light activity followed by stretching.  Also remember that keeping your muscles moving with a cool-down, stretching and massage can reduce the symptoms of your soreness.

I will be posting DAY TWO of  the STATER'S workout plan later today!


Create your Home Gym

1. exercise mat  2.stability ball  3.set of dumbbells
4.interval timer
Joining a gym is a great way to get in shape, but it's not the only way.  Many people, because of their busy schedule, prefer to exercise at home. So do I and I know that having the right tools helps to stay motivated and focus.

The starter's workout plan

Motivation Sunday

Too tired. Don't have time. It's too cold.

It's crazy how we are able to find excuses for not working out! Now, no matter what they are, I hope these weekly motivational quotes can be the antidote to skipping your training session.

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
willing is not enough; we must do."
-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe